Navy League Photo Archive
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than their photo album please take a moment to share in some of the
festive moments and adventures of the Navy League Bremerton. If you have photos
that you'd like to share, please send them to the
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December 11th, 2007
Submitted by member: Norma Parker
Guest speaker, CDR Bob Nugent, a
former Assistant Naval Attache to Moscow. |
Guest speaker, CDR Bob Nugent, a
former Assistant Naval Attache to Moscow. |
Guest speaker, CDR Bob Nugent, a
former Assistant Naval Attache to Moscow. |
Submitted by member: Guy Stitt
Installation Gala
Submitted by member: Norma Parker
From L to R, Carol Meteney,
National Director; Bryan Faber, Secretary; Dave Thomas, Vice President; Guy
Stitt, President and Ron Testa, National Director. Ron and Carol Congratulate
our new officers following the Oath of Office. |
Vice Admiral Mel Williams, Jr.,
Deputy Commander, U. S. Fleet Forces Command, addresses and entertains the
attendees of the Installation Gala. |
Guy Stitt, Incoming President of
the Bremerton-Olympic Penisnula Council of Navy League is congratulated by Stan
Mack, 2007 President. |
National Convention
Palm Springs 2007
Submitted by member: Diane Zakalik Jaffa,
Thomas E. Jaffa
New National President Mike
McGrath and First Lady Gloria share a toast with outgoing National President
John Panneton and his wife Alice, wishing them "fair winds and following
seas." |
Mackie Award Recipients |
Mackie Award Recipients |
Mackie Award Recipients |
Midway Presentation
Submitted by member: Carol Meteney
Lent Questions |
Everett NHB |
SOQ Spouse CMC SC Salter
Thomas |
Everett NHB |
Will Lent |
Larry Salter, Will Lent present
to Rick Dorn |
Veterans Day 2007
Submitted by member: Sandra & Earle
Navy League Booth Veterans
Day |
Sea Cadets performing "Color
Guard" duties at the Veterans Day event. |
Guy Stitt, Senator Patty Murray,
Carol Meteney and NL President Stan Mack at Veterans Day event. |
Jurgen Brian's "military
memorabilia" exhibit at the Veterans Day event. |
Stan Mack, N/L President,
checking out the Lone Sailor information at Navy League booth attended by
Carolyn Dankers and Norma Parker. |
Navy League Booth Veterans
Day |
Veterans Day Ceremonies |
Navy League Booth Veterans
Day |
USS Michigan Return to
Submitted by member: Byron Faber.
Aboard the USS
Submitted by member: Bill Mullins.
October 2007
Submitted by member: Carol A Meteney.
Sailor of the Quarter
Submitted by member: Carol A Meteney.
Veterans' Day
Submitted by member: Guy Stitt.
California Training Ship
Submitted by member: Vern Young.
Change of Command
Submitted by member: Guy Stitt.